[pyusb-users] driving d2xx usb device
2016-02-16 07:37:10 UTC
Dear list members

I am a very novice and inexperienced user and I apologize in advance for
what may seem an abomination in the land of python and serial interfaces.

I need to drive a USB device (valve controller) which is operated by
d2xx type ftdi driver.

I installed python 2.6 and original PyUSB module

is it the same PyUSB that is discussed here?

I ran an original short test script

# import the PyUSB module
import d2xx

# list devices by description, returns tuple of attached devices
description strings
d = d2xx.listDevices(d2xx.OPEN_BY_DESCRIPTION)
print d

# list devices by serial, returns tuple of attached devices serial strings
d = d2xx.listDevices() # implicit d2xx.OPEN_BY_SERIAL_NUMBER
print d

h = d2xx.open(0)
print h

# read eeprom
print h.eeRead()

# get queue status
print h.getQueueStatus()

# set RX/TX timeouts

# write bytes (serial mode)
print h.write('Hello world!\r\n")

# read bytes (serial mode)
print h.read(5)

it seems that my device is visible and here is the output

IDLE 2.6
================================ RESTART
<FtobjType object at 0x01E8D160>
{'useExtOsc': 68, 'ifAIsFifoTar7': 0, 'powerSaveEnable': 149,
'ifBIsFastSer7': 2, 'maxPower': 0, 'bSlowSlew': 0, 'invertTXD': 202,
'manufacturerId': 'FT', 'signature1': 0, 'signature2': -1, 'invertRI':
248, 'cSlowSlew': 1, 'ahSchmittInput': 3, 'dSchmittInput': 0,
'bRIIsTXDEN': 0, 'dIsVCP8': 2, 'ahDriveCurrent': 1, 'vendorId': 1027,
'invertDCD': 2, 'highDriveIOs': 59, 'usbVersionEnable': 1,
'pullDownEnableR': 30, 'endpointSize': 3, 'aRIIsTXDEN': 0, 'invertDSR':
18, 'cRIIsTXDEN': 0, 'bhSlowSlew': 253, 'alSchmittInput': 39, 'version':
2, 'serNumEnableR': 224, 'cSchmittInput': 30, 'ifBIsFastSer': 0,
'usbVersion': 512, 'serNumEnable5': 0, 'isoOut': 0, 'dDriveCurrent': 0,
'invertRTS': 2, 'serNumEnable8': 2, 'manufacturer': 'AutoMate
Scientific', 'cDriveCurrent': 1, 'bDriveCurrent': 3, 'cIsVCP8': 19,
'rIsD2XX': 68, 'ifAIsFifoTar': 0, 'serNumEnable7': 176, 'remoteWakeup':
0, 'bhDriveCurrent': 0, 'cbus0': 23, 'cbus1': 253, 'cbus2': 1, 'cbus3':
232, 'cbus4': 45, 'bIsVCP8': 167, 'alSlowSlew': 245, 'ifAIsFastSer7': 0,
'usbVersion5': 0, 'isoInA': 199, 'isoInB': 18, 'aDriveCurrent': 39,
'bIsVCP7': 180, 'ifAIsFifo': 0, 'bIsVCP': 0, 'selfPowered': 1, 'pnp': 1,
'ahSlowSlew': 51, 'invertCTS': 40, 'alDriveCurrent': 0,
'pullDownEnable': 0, 'bhSchmittInput': 1, 'aSlowSlew': 200, 'invertDTR':
199, 'serNumEnable': 1, 'aIsHighCurrent': 0, 'pullDownEnable8': 133,
'pullDownEnable7': 0, 'pullDownEnable5': 0, 'blDriveCurrent': 23,
'ifAIsFastSer': 0, 'aIsVCP7': 48, 'bSchmittInput': 51, 'ifBIsFifo7':
167, 'aIsVCP8': 48, 'ifBIsFifo': 0, 'isoIn': 0, 'usbVersionEnable5': 0,
'dRIIsTXDEN': 0, 'productId': 54872, 'invertRXD': 133, 'description':
'ValveLink8.2', 'dSlowSlew': 0, 'bIsHighCurrent': 0, 'ifAIsFifo7': 0,
'aIsVCP': 0, 'blSchmittInput': 248, 'rev5': 0, 'ifBIsFifoTar7': 19,
'serialNumber': 'FTT6NW6D', 'blSlowSlew': 30, 'aSchmittInput': 245,
'isoOutA': 2, 'isoOutB': 248, 'ifBIsFifoTar': 0, 'rev4': 1

I also know the control chars that need to be sent to device
to open and close the valves

"\nFv\r" <- toggle valve v, so \nF1\r toggles valve 1
"\nC\r" <- gives the details on the valvelink system, such as the
controller address
"\nI\r" <- Turns off all valves

I modified the script to have

print h.write("\nF2\r")

but nothing happens – the valves do not respond

any help would be vastly appreciated


Xiaofan Chen
2016-02-16 07:56:56 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Dear list members
I am a very novice and inexperienced user and I apologize in advance for
what may seem an abomination in the land of python and serial interfaces.
I need to drive a USB device (valve controller) which is operated by
d2xx type ftdi driver.
I installed python 2.6 and original PyUSB module
is it the same PyUSB that is discussed here?
No. This pyusb is for Python binding of libusb-0.1, libusb-1.0 and OpenUSB.

I think that PyUSB for D2XX is no longer supported by its author and you'd
better to switch to other versions.

Maybe this one?

Or you can forget about d2xx and use pylibftdi or pyftdi.
Tormod Volden
2016-02-16 08:04:07 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Dear list members
I am a very novice and inexperienced user and I apologize in advance for
what may seem an abomination in the land of python and serial interfaces.
I need to drive a USB device (valve controller) which is operated by
d2xx type ftdi driver.
I installed python 2.6 and original PyUSB module
is it the same PyUSB that is discussed here?
No, that is not pyusb as we know it here, which is at
http://walac.github.io/pyusb/ "PyUSB aims to be an easy to use Python
module to access USB devices. PyUSB relies on a native system library
for USB access."

I really can't understand why those other guys call their
FTDI-specific library "pyusb"!


Continue reading on narkive: